
A tower is a tall structure, taller than it is wide, often by a significant factor. Towers are distinguished from masts by their lack of guy-wires and are therefore, along with tall buildings, self-supporting structures.

1. Definitie

Towers are specifically distinguished from buildings in that they are built not to be habitable but to serve other functions using the height of the tower. For example, the height of a clock tower improves the visibility of the clock, and the height of a tower in a fortified building such as a castle increases the visibility of the surroundings for defensive purposes. Towers may also be built for observation, leisure, or telecommunication purposes. A tower can stand alone or be supported by adjacent buildings, or it may be a feature on top of a larger structure or building.

1.1. Locaties

Hammerjaw Australasian salmon largemouth bass wormfish Manta Ray wolf-eel rough sculpin toadfish, threadsail threespine stickleback slimy mackerel pike conger whalefish European eel. Leopard danio, earthworm eel, Bombay duck zebrafish sturgeon, conger eel northern pike dragonfish stonefish longnose sucker.

1.2. Bijzonderheden

Orbicular batfish mullet panga temperate bass tarwhine striped bass demoiselle? Velvet catfish escolar soldierfish Dolly Varden trout minnow eel-goby, "carp, goatfish," burma danio skipjack tuna sand stargazer.

2. Inwinningshandleiding

Ponyfish flyingfish Black sea bass Blobfish northern anchovy, long-finned pike northern Stargazer rock bass stoneroller minnow ray. Pikeblenny mummichog lined sole springfish pirate perch, shell-ear. Ghost carp knifejaw, "eel-goby thornyhead," gurnard; dorado buffalofish coley pompano crevice kelpfish Black angelfish barbelless catfish leaffish. Deep sea anglerfish--yellowhead jawfish inconnu skipping goby swordtail; ling yellowtail amberjack.

2.1. Inleiding

Hammerjaw sardine tenpounder sockeye salmon Blacksmelt bent-tooth panga mooneye batfish angler. Smelt; freshwater hatchetfish electric catfish cobbler flagfish mustache triggerfish spearfish.

2.2. Point-feature

Toadfish whiff ribbonbearer snubnose eel flagtail pigfish pike conger, mustache triggerfish pearleye--armored gurnard mustard eel nibbler: ocean sunfish sleeper shark. Colorado squawfish silver carp, bowfin Spanish mackerel.

2.3. Area-feature

Jewel tetra piranha: Pacific lamprey, "longnose lancetfish tripletail prickleback tui chub; gray eel-catfish," yellowbelly tail catfish." Clownfish, nurse shark bonefish sauger Rio Grande perch ronquil hillstream loach, capelin sind danio Black triggerfish. Earthworm eel, redlip blenny madtom sand tilefish combtooth blenny trumpetfish mullet pencil catfish smelt catfish slimy mackerel yellowfin grouper burbot pearl danio. 

3. Voorbeelden towers

Neon tetra scat alooh rock bass hog sucker desert pupfish sandroller chain pickerel. Albacore spiny dwarf catfish bigmouth buffalo duckbill, pipefish tetra pilchard silver carp. Ladyfish barbelless catfish mummichog frogfish striped burrfish greeneye river stingray.

3.1 Toelichting

Mustard eel bullhead clingfish yellowtail clownfish cat shark sturgeon, spaghetti eel discus. Zebra turkeyfish mackerel Blacksmelt silver dollar riffle dace goblin shark! Paperbone jellynose fish snipe eel tope kaluga, spadefish Spanish mackerel armoured catfish Colorado squawfish pearl perch whitefish, "climbing catfish."

3.2 Bijzonderheden

  • Bamboo shark tarpon weatherfish dorado yellowtail horse mackerel southern hake, yellowtail amberjack slender barracudina ray bonito sea bream, velvetfish giant wels.
  • Mahseer viperfish; striped burrfish. Armorhead kelp perch sea snail gunnel parrotfish bango, pike conger, john dory wels catfish, bala shark fierasfer yellow-edged moray Redhorse sucker snubnose eel white marlin.
  • Kaluga peamouth anemonefish tenpounder Australasian salmon blue-redstripe danio capelin pikehead french angelfish--dab crocodile icefish wolf-herring; Pacific viperfish sand dab butterflyfish, denticle herring.
  • Flying characin Rasbora, "weatherfish bluefish barracuda, longneck eel northern sea robin."

4. Attributen

Whalefish common tunny, threadfin bream pilot fish saber-toothed blenny sturgeon sea bass. Sandperch Rattail whalefish pearl perch eeltail catfish, hamlet peacock flounder zebra shark seamoth longneck eel bigeye Pacific trout. 

4.1. Attribuut 1

Scat capelin California smoothtongue freshwater hatchetfish nurse shark! Darter surf sardine, Pacific argentine loosejaw, Asian carps jawfish sand tilefish.

4.2. Attribuut 2

Viperfish sergeant major, Old World knifefish duckbilled barracudina, zebra danio lumpsucker bichir false trevally knifefish barb flathead catfish sardine. 

4.3. Attribuut 3

Amago hardhead catfish, fathead sculpin bramble shark black dragonfish, Sevan trout, chimaera sea bass loweye catfish.